
Managing your Credit Repair Company

How it works

1. Import A Credit Report

Before you can begin the credit repair process, you’ll need to import your clients credit report. Our software will walk you through exactly how to get access to your client’s credit report, how to import it into our software, and how to monitor it for changes such as when negative items like collections and inquiries get removed from the report.

2. Automatically Generate Dispute Letters

Once you’ve imported your clients credit report, you’ll be able to choose which items you’d like to dispute. This could be erroneous collections, accounts, credit inquiries, late payments, and more. Our software will instantly generate letters for you to print out and mail to the credit bureaus. We help you leverage laws like the FCRA which often results in these items being removed from their credit report!

3. Track Your Clients Progress

After you mail your clients first round of letters to the bureaus, you will wait for a response and then upload it into our software. It often takes multiple rounds of correspondence with the bureaus to see any items get removed or for any information to be corrected. Our software will continue to generate response letters for you until the dispute is resolved. This often ends with the negative item in question being deleted from the client’s credit report.

Powerful Software. Easy to Use.

…it doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or an expert! Anyone can use our credit repair software and instantly transform themselves into a credit repair professional.

Educational Material

In addition to helping your clients dispute inaccurate credit report entries, you’ll get access to educational information about how credit works and how to keep it healthy moving forward.

Know What To Send

Not sure how to send your first dispute letter or what to write? Not sure how to respond when the bureau plays hardball? Our software walks you through it.

Dispute Letter Templates

We have dozens of letter templates that will turn you into a credit repair professional. Your client won’t pay high fees to untrustworthy companies when you can do it yourself.

Stay Organized

Disputing multiple items and keeping track of replies between the 3 bureaus, plus the creditor (for each item) can be messy. Our software dashboard keeps you on track.